What is XYL?

XYL is a veterinary medication used for sedation and anesthesia. If consumed by humans, XYL can slow breathing and cause a loss of consciousness that resembles the effects of an opioid overdose. In combination with opioids, XYL increases the potential for fatal overdose.

This makes it challenging to differentiate between an overdose caused by opioids alone, or one caused by a combination. While naloxone will reduce the effects of an opioid overdose, it will not reduce the effects of XYL.

Be Careful:

  1. The XYL Test Strip provides only a qualitative, preliminary analytical results. A secondary analytical test should be used to obtain a confirmed result. Gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method.

  2. The test does not distinguish between drugs of abuse and certain medications.

  3. A positive test result may be obtained from certain foods or food supplements.

  4. The test device is NOT intended to determine the purity, composition or safety of a substance.

  5. A positive or negative test result is NOT an indication that the substance being examined is safe to use. Many factors come into play when interpreting the result, including but not limited to potential mixtures of substances, solubility, and the pH of the sample.

  6. The test shall not encourage the use, supply, or production of illegal drugs or controlled substances in any way. The test is intended for harm reduction purposes. Follow the advice of your local harm reduction or public health agency.

  7. The test is NOT to be used to test cocaine, methamphetamine, ketamine or any other non-opioid substances.

  8. There is a possibility that technical or procedural errors as well as other substances and factors may interfere with the test strip (Liquid/Powder) and cause false results.

  9. A positive result indicates the presence of XYL only and does not indicate quantity.

  10. A negative result does not at any time rule out the presence of XYL, as they may be present below the minimum detection level of the test.

In The Case Of Emergencies:

In the event of a suspected drug overdose, administering naloxone is crucial to counteract potential opioid effects. It’s worth noting that naloxone does not reverse the effects of XYL according to the CDC. However, considering that XYL is frequently used in conjunction with opioids like FYL, it is still recommended to administer naloxone. Promptly calling 911 for further medical assistance is essential, as the effects of XYL may persist even after naloxone has been administered

Performance Characteristics:

The XYL Test Strip have been evaluated for performance when testing certain substances. Please see the links below for more information.

XTS Performance Characteristics

XYL Test Strip Performance Comparison

XYL White Paper Report

XYL Test Strip Forensic Insert